pingpong tournament
Our section is organizing a mini table tennis tournament. It will kick off next week. It has been 2 years ago when we had our first department table tennis tournament. The category was mix doubles and it was a fun experience. Now, i miss my team partner Sig. He's very good in pingpong, too bad that he had me for a partner! LOL! We did not make it to the finals. But that was okay because what mattered was that everyone had a fun time interacting and playing against each team. Our team then was named The Cute and The Chubby. Since Sig claimed that he was the cute, obviously, i'm the chubby. :P
I can't wait for this year's tournament to start. At least, i will have the chance to kick my lazy ass and have a little exercise.
I can't wait for this year's tournament to start. At least, i will have the chance to kick my lazy ass and have a little exercise.
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