Wednesday, August 15, 2007

hair transplant

One of the most common hair problems is hair loss or simply put baldness. If you happen to be one of those people who are worrying about it, worry no more. Put on that big smile because there's a solution to that. The best way to address baldness is the so called hair transplant. Dr. Shapiro's Hair Institute in South Florida does hair transplants for both men and women. What's very interesting is that you get to talk with his clients and hear from them their testimonies. You'll also be told of the procedure and facts of what to beware of when getting a hair transplant. That's just so very gracious of them to tell that to clients. Call now and get your free consultation. Dr. Sapiro will meet you personally and design your hair. You can even get to see actual procedure if you want to. Having a nice hair would sure exude extra confidence in you. So get your hair done now at Dr. Shapiro's Hair Institute.

4 pink thoughts:

splat said...

dawata lagi, ylan...

Ylan said...

taka raman ka ug comment nga entry splat oi hehe!

Anonymous said...

Hair is composed of dead material, but here are several ways you can donate life.

Anonymous said...

Hair diseases may not become visible to be shocking, as they do not pose any health problem. But make no mistake dude, it is quite a problem. If you have it in a serious means (LOL). When you will find your silky-smooth hair is fast turning into Sahara desert, you start losing your sleep over it, right dude?

And then you consult a doctor for sudden hair loss diagnosis. That analysis depends on the type of your hair loss. You know, there are innumerable hair diseases types and subtypes. But in practice you will find only around 20 hair diseases. And again, of that around 20 diseases you will find only four accounts for 95 per cent hair diseases problems - pattern baldness, telogen effluvium, chemical overprocessing, and alopecia areata.