Friday, October 31, 2008

looking tall, feeling tall

Well, Fridays, most favorite day of the week. To us, it's a no-uniform-day in the office. Hurrah! Goodbye to the lowsy tailored uniforms for a day. To some, this is the day when they could strut their most fabulous if not most outrageous outfits, lol!

Last Friday, most of my coworkers noticed and commented i was especially taller that day. What do you know? Please refer to the above photo! :D (Sakita sa bagtak lagi!)

6 pink thoughts:

splat said...

deadly shoes mani...

Anonymous said...

Ohh.. I presume you dont go malling with these sandals right?

Ylan said...

splat - kinda, but not as deadly as Spice Victoria's shoes hehe!

babycobalt - true, i don't! hehe it's too tiring :D

Ylan said...

splat - kinda, but not as deadly as Spice Victoria's shoes hehe!

babycobalt - true, i don't! hehe it's too tiring :D

twinks said...

Sis, naa pud ko inana nga shoes ba - inana ang style sa takong..perti oi mangalay lagi..dili pwede suoton kung mg window shopping hahaha..

Ylan said...

twinks - sis! na di jud puede pang windowshopping oi. basin first floor ra kutub sa mall atung masuruy ani, LOL! :D